Commonly-Used American Slang

Commonly-Used American Slang - Page 18 - 280+ Expressions

Do you want rice or spuds for dinner?
Meaning: potatoes

My father looks square in his jacket.
Meaning: old-fashioned

steamed up
Don't get so steamed up over the issue.
Meaning: angry

This whole operation stinks.
Meaning: is repulsive

I want you to give me a straight answer.
Meaning: honest

I am really stressed by all the recent world events.
Meaning: upset

Don't be a sucker.
Meaning: be deceived

take a hike
I am tired of all your complaining. Take a hike.
Meaning: leave

He was taken for all his money at the casino.
Meaning: cheated out of

taking care of business
I have been taking care of business.
Meaning: doing what I have to do

Those look like expensive threads he is wearing.
Meaning: clothes

tool around
I don't want to tool around all night. It is time to go home.
Meaning: drive around

My car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck.
Meaning: completely wrecked

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