That's it!


Думаю, что название этого раздела говорит само за себя...

Для тех, кому не понятно, поясняю - в этом разделе можно найти разнообразную информацию о Соединенных Штатах Америки. А Вы что думали? -:))

So, where to go in this section:




U.S. National Anthem

States And Cities

One From Many
Immigration patterns and ethnic composition

From Sea to Shining Sea
Geography and regional characteristics

Toward the City on a Hill
A brief history of the United States

A Responsive Government
Separation of powers and the democratic process

The Business of America
Agriculture, mass production, the labor movement, and the economic system

A Diverse Educational System
Structure, standards, and challenges

A Republic of Science
Inquiry and innovation in science and medicine

Separating Church and State
Freedom of religion

The Social Safety Net
Public assistance and health care

Distinctively American Arts
Music, dance, architecture, visual arts, and literature

Exporting Popular Culture
Baseball, basketball, movies, jazz, rock and roll, and country music

The Media and Their Messages
Freedom of the press, newspapers, radio, and television

National Celebrations
Holidays in the United States

U.S.A. in Sixties

America's Most Famous Gangsters

Route 66

U.S. Pictures


Your First Click to the U.S. Government
The White House


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